Who We Are
Gavin Felix
Lead Pastor
Gavin is an ordained teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and holds a Master’s in Biblical Studies courses through Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Ministry from Leavell College of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Gavin also spent two years as a church planting resident at Spanish River Church in Boca Raton, FL having completed the MNA (Mission to North America) church planting assessment along with his wife, Brigitte. Additionally, he works as an adjunct professor for South Florida Bible College and coaches high school basketball.
Gavin and Brigitte have three kids, Braxton (b. 2018), Gisele (b. 2020), and Miles (b. 2021).
Meet Our Staff
Gavin Felix
Lead Pastor
Robyn Orsini
Community Life Director
Kira Rodriguez
Worship Leader
Meet Our Session
Gavin Felix
Lead Pastor
Camilo Torres
Ruling Elder
Alexander Castelo
Ruling Elder
Meet Our Deacons
Mark Manos
Chris Orsini
Samuel Dasari