The Good Life
Written By Gavin Felix

The 10th Commandment: Do Not Covet | Exodus 20:17 | Rev. Gavin Felix

The 9th Commandment: Do Not Bear False Witness | Exodus 20:16 | Danny Camacho

The 8th Commandment: Do Not Steal | Exodus 20:15 | Rev. Gavin Felix

The 7th Commandment: Do Not Commit Adultery (Pt. 2) | Rev. Gavin Felix

The 7th Commandment: Do Not Commit Adultery (Pt. 1) | Exodus 20:14 | Rev. Gavin Felix

The 6th Commandment: Do Not Murder | Exodus 20:13 | Rev. Gavin Felix

The 5th Commandment | Exodus 20:12 | Rev. Gavin Felix

The 4th Commandment | Exodus 20:8-11 | Dr. Tim Sansbury

The 3rd Commandment: God's Name Used Appropriately | Exodus 20:7 | Dr. Joe Emmanuel

The 2nd Commandment | Exodus 20:4-6 | Rev. Gavin Felix

The First Commandment: No Gods Before God | Exodus 20:2-3 | Rev. Gavin Felix

A Guide to the Good Life | Matthew 5:17-20 | Rev. Gavin Felix